We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions to help you find answers to your queries. Please get in touch if there is something else.


We are a group of friendly people, united by a love for Nantwich and an interest in its heritage and continuous development. Nantwich Civic Society aims to conserve and protect the best elements of Nantwich’s heritage in the built and natural environments while seeking to encourage high standards of planning and design for the enhancement of the Town and the surrounding area. It is a voluntary organisation and a registered charity. It is entirely independent, and non political, with a membership drawn from across the Nantwich area.
Meetings are held at 7.30pm on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at Nantwich Museum, Pillory St. CW5 5BQ. The meetings are informal and views are welcome.
Meetings are held every month, on the third Tuesday at Nantwich Museum, beginning at 7.30pm and ending around 9.00pm. The agenda is comprehensive, covering such items as recent planning applications, empty and new shops, current local topics, eg. car parking charges, flooding of the River Weaver, waste collection charges, public transport and canal news. The Chair welcomes input from the attendees. Everyone sits facing a screen on which is displayed the meeting agenda, pictures and notices of interest. Usually some members of Nantwich Town Council are in attendance who explain what they are currently involved with and welcome input. History has shown that they take on board what has been said and discussed. The proceedings are recorded and a copy of the minutes emailed to all members so that everyone can see what has been agreed it ensures agreed actions are carried out.
Communication is by email and Facebook. Emails are confined to the annoucements of monthly meetings and distribution of agenda and minutes. Occasionally we send out invitations for social and workparty events. We don't use paper mail. Members are expected to have an email address. We also have a Facebook page with links on the web site.
No, these are not compulsory. We all do what we can, when we can. Throughout the year there are opportunities for members to play a part in supporting Nantwich. Our most recent have been the removal of “growth” along the banks of the River Weaver and promoting the activities of the Society at the annual “Societies Spectacular Exhibition”. Members have also worked as volunteer painters at a local Youth Club. The are other opportunities with are partners such as Nantwich in Bloom, and the Nantwich Litter Group who hold a monthly litter collection,
We suggest to come to a meeting before you join. Then if you want to contribute to the Society’s important work please do join us. You can send an email from the contact tab to ask a question or to make an application. Membership is currently £10 a year.
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The Trustees are elected members who ensure that the Society is managed in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution, which is approved by the members. There are 5 Trustees who are appointed at the Society’s AGM. They can serve for a maximum of 10 years. The Trustees meet at least once a year and the proceedings are minuted and emailed to all members. Any member can put themselves forward to be a Trustee.
Since its inception, one of the Society’s most important roles has been to campaign for better conservation of the many historic buildings in and around the town. We do this in several ways, including by making recommendations to the local planning authority (now Cheshire East Council) on the design and impact of proposed new buildings and building alterations and extensions. Views are taken on what seems best for the site and its surroundings. This process is not an ‘exact science’ and is subjective, despite the legal constraints. Also, the Society provides feedback on strategic planning documents such as Cheshire East’s new Local Plan.
The major area of expenditure is the room hire at Nantwich Museum. We occasionally pool resources or support local partner organisations such as the Museum in campaigns and events. Other areas of expenditure include Civic Voice subscription and charitable donations such as the Royal British Legion Remembrance Wreath. The Society has a Treasurer who reports to all members at the AGM. Accounts are emailed to all members before the AGM. Members pay an annual subscription of £10 plus payments for social events and outings if they choose to attend.